Saturday, August 23, 2003

Death and Life –

To a child, death seems so frightening. I must admit, that I too am a little hesitant. However, my thoughts on death are seemingly less dreadful now and more intriguing. Everybody, at least to my count, dies. This is a fact. So what are we to do with this thought? As Christians, we tend to be more in tune with thoughts of death. In fact, our belief structure engulfs it. But why are we Christians? I wonder if the thought of death is so powerful that we seek an explanation for comfort, and in so doing do we get our preverbal free ticket to heaven. I know many that this thought process is as far as it takes them. They no longer dwell on things of the spirit. They have the answer and that is all that interests them. They pick up their life where they left off and continue until it is time to cash in their ticket. And for the record, I don’t think that this is only an “American thing”. That is simply stupid and we know better than that (Jesus lost about half of his followers after he yelled “Eat Me” – thanks Joe).
So, what explains our behavior? Why do we persistently pursue God after we received our free ticket? Why are we aggressively trying to live out our lives in a Godly way? You know the people that I am referring to. Not the ones who merely talk about it, but who are “in on it”. Why are our minds so affected by this new life that that this is all we think about? Our lives seem to reflect Jesus in so many ways, but yet we are not intentionally trying to do so. I don’t us out there quoting scripture to a guy at the counter of McDonalds or beating down doors trying to witness to no less than 20 people per day.
My life has been a “text book Christian”- I knew all the right books and have read the entire bible too many times to count. Until the past 3-4 years. Until I met you guys. Now I no longer see God on Sunday mornings only. Thank you forever guys. – Tangent – sorry.
Are we so horrified of death that we try to explain to ourselves that we are living in eternity and that death is only a transformation (by the way, I believe this one)? Or is it that ceasing to exist in the physical form (a.k.a. death) is no longer a hurdle that we are burdened with? I am blessed to read Palmer’s Journal about his wife and enduring her death. I can only hope that I could be so strong when my life is tested.
- Peace abundantly

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Today the store seems more like church than ever before.

Loretta is one of my first customers.
She is black and around 60 years old.
Her husband’s kidneys have failed and he is dying.
My heart aches.
To talk with her and see the look in her eyes is not very easy.
She won’t ask for help but her eyes are screaming for it.
I need you guys to pray and to be ready to help.
Even offer to take her husband to the hospital for dialysis would be a huge thing.
She doesn’t understand us at all.
She said that she is catholic but she doesn’t understand the simple idea of what we call church.
It hurts to have a friend experience so much pain.
However, God is here with us.

Ed keeps my freezers and coolers running. He is very rough around the edges and dangerous and he makes fun of God and religion all the time. He also acts like a jerk but, for some reason, he tends to open up to me. I don’t know if this is what he always does to his customers or not but it is odd. Last week, his oldest son (about 15 years old) was stabbed about 20 times and was in intensive care for three days. Ed called me up and was very upset and was planning to do some very stupid things. I have no idea if I helped or not, but he hasn’t done anything yet. The good thing is that we are still in contact with each other and he is still talking to me.
Ed called me again and said that his wife wants a divorce now. I don’t know how much more he can take.

I hope I don’t sound like some sort of jedi Christian. I have been waiting to see some progress from this store and these two people seem to be it. I get very excited when I see God working in anything. I am ecstatic that He is letting me in on this.

Friday, August 08, 2003

My Bitches –

I am tired of everybody jumping to one side or the other when it comes to American patriotism. I know far too many people who – since 9-11 have decorated their car, house, desk, walls, and yards with American flags, eagles, ribbons, and stickers. It is a trend that in time will pass. I understand their wanting to unite with their fellow countrymen because of anger and hurt, but I don’t think that apparel that people buy will be the bond that will hold people together.
On the flip side, I grow weary of people mocking, complaining and fussing about America. I feel the same as Chearl does about the church – quityourbitchen’ and do something about it. When I hear the complaining and whining statements, all I hear is someone who is spoiled because America has provided so much for them that they don’t realize it. Very few countries allow the opportunity to do what you wish in your life. You can go and start your own business and employ many people if you have the desire. You can do whatever you are passionate about and have a great chance of succeeding. Or you can meet in a park and pray to God or a tree and not worry about a soldier putting a bullet through your head. You can walk on any sidewalk without a soldier telling you that your race is the same as rats and therefore you must walk in the gutter. I feel that there are many causes to take up in life and my country is not one of them. I am a slave to Jesus Christ first and an American last. It is who I am – nothing will change this. My attitude is similar to Paul’s: there is such little time to do anything else but what God has asked of us, I don’t want to waist it.

News – The news that we hear, read, and see all come from a business. As with any business, it exists to make money. With this in mind, the truth is sacrificed for appeal. Example: do you really believe that Britney Spears is or was a virgin? Do you really believe that all the hummers, suburbans and other SUV’s combined since they were made could pollute more that any one volcanic eruption? Do you really believe that you are better than the rich who pay three-ten times the amount of taxes than you do? Do you really believe that the national deficit will harm you financially in any way in the future? Think about it. Where did you hear all of this from? Did you see the reports and the research or did you hear it on the news? Do you know the history? Why are we wasting time? Since we know that there is a God and he is the ultimate truth, why are we soaking our hands with shit?

Thanks for listening, we will be back after these messages.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

Life as we know it

Today I passed a procession caryin’ a dead man
Who was it for?
I wandered if maybe it is to remind me
Shaking me to my very core

Jesus said let the dead bury the dead
Yet it seems so sad
Maybe that guy was then the luckiest guy
Maybe that guy lost all he had

What is this dance they call life?
Why does it seem so tough?
Try to get all the money in the world
Die’n with the most stuff

I’m slowly drowning
Grabbing yet another glass of water
I must seem so silly
I’m actin’ like I have no Father

Is there someone on the other side,
Someone I’m try’n to impress
Maybe there is something more
Something worth all this

Jesus said that we are the salt
We’re cry’n over our lives not our dead friend
We see that were runnin’ out of time but
We should know that there is no end.

I wrote this poem last year and posted it today because I thought for a moment that I had nothing much to ponder. After last night, that has changed.
“Love is the only human emotion that cannot be controlled.” – Rush Limbaugh. I don’t care if you like his ideas or not, this is a truth. After experiencing last nights gathering, I began to ponder all the people that God has put in my life since we came to Vegas. To be honest, I get quite emotional when these thoughts come to me. The love that is shared freely amongst His people – the love of last night is truly breath taking. I would like to tell every one of you thank you from the bottom of my heart. Jesus said that “greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends”. Extreme I know (Jesus tends to be that way) but, it would be an honor if it was required of me. I love you guys deeply.