Sunday, October 29, 2006

It has been a month since dad died. I still find myself reaching for my phone to call him and talk about life. I miss him. I often stare off in the distance thinking about him from time to time. My family could still use some prayers in that department.

In another area of life, I have been listing to the “Transition” series by Wayne (download it here in Quicktime format and change it to wav with Quicktime Pro). The series is very impacting and thought provocative and in a way a summation of what my wife an I have experienced in the past 5 years of our journey. The freedom and love that I have experienced in Father has mostly left me speechless. The issues I had once needed answers for are answered, everything makes sense to me now. It is beautiful.

Wayne Jacobsen's teaching was a small part of it but there is so much more. Father sent us on this journey and He put people in our paths that led us to Him. From our original church that we left to go to Vegas, to Apex and house churches, to over a year of “isolation” from anything church – the one thing consistent is Father's love and desire that I may know Him.