Friday, August 08, 2003

My Bitches –

I am tired of everybody jumping to one side or the other when it comes to American patriotism. I know far too many people who – since 9-11 have decorated their car, house, desk, walls, and yards with American flags, eagles, ribbons, and stickers. It is a trend that in time will pass. I understand their wanting to unite with their fellow countrymen because of anger and hurt, but I don’t think that apparel that people buy will be the bond that will hold people together.
On the flip side, I grow weary of people mocking, complaining and fussing about America. I feel the same as Chearl does about the church – quityourbitchen’ and do something about it. When I hear the complaining and whining statements, all I hear is someone who is spoiled because America has provided so much for them that they don’t realize it. Very few countries allow the opportunity to do what you wish in your life. You can go and start your own business and employ many people if you have the desire. You can do whatever you are passionate about and have a great chance of succeeding. Or you can meet in a park and pray to God or a tree and not worry about a soldier putting a bullet through your head. You can walk on any sidewalk without a soldier telling you that your race is the same as rats and therefore you must walk in the gutter. I feel that there are many causes to take up in life and my country is not one of them. I am a slave to Jesus Christ first and an American last. It is who I am – nothing will change this. My attitude is similar to Paul’s: there is such little time to do anything else but what God has asked of us, I don’t want to waist it.

News – The news that we hear, read, and see all come from a business. As with any business, it exists to make money. With this in mind, the truth is sacrificed for appeal. Example: do you really believe that Britney Spears is or was a virgin? Do you really believe that all the hummers, suburbans and other SUV’s combined since they were made could pollute more that any one volcanic eruption? Do you really believe that you are better than the rich who pay three-ten times the amount of taxes than you do? Do you really believe that the national deficit will harm you financially in any way in the future? Think about it. Where did you hear all of this from? Did you see the reports and the research or did you hear it on the news? Do you know the history? Why are we wasting time? Since we know that there is a God and he is the ultimate truth, why are we soaking our hands with shit?

Thanks for listening, we will be back after these messages.