Thursday, December 29, 2005

So I perhaps came off a bit harsh on the last post regarding the church's handling of itself. I truly love the church and her people. I know that they do a lot of good but it can be better. It is the potential that I see in the church that is burning me. I think it is disappointment that I am feeling and maybe something else.

Since we moved to Prescott Valley we have yet to find anyone that is contemplating organized church. Here it either you are a non-believer or attending a church and there is no ground for any others (us mainly). I suppose that small towns are known for such characteristics and that does make them attractive to those from a busy metropolitan area. To put it bluntly, we were spoiled in Las Vegas. We are now on the edge of loneliness and I think it might compel me to start attending local bars (some go to Starbucks I go to taverns – if you are gona drop $4 on a beverage you might as well get the most buzz for the buck). I am comfortable there and the conversations that transpire are usually very deep.

On a side note, the visit by one family member to a church pissed me off.........a lot. Xbox stations, Starbucks, a weekly budget of $80k and an annual budget of $16,000 for Krispy Kreme – praise God!!!!