Social Sescrewity
As of late, I have been getting into conversations with customers about the current state of retirement system. Oddly most are still pissed of that W won and that there isn’t a damn thing that he will be able to do right in their minds. Sadly I do believe that that is the current mindset of the left. Hell-bent and pissed off, the elected left are starting to sway so far liberal that they will not be recognizable for reelection.
Social security seems to be a hot button with the left. Again, I believe it is the fact that W started the discussion of private accounts for retirement as to why the left are so bent out of shape. They forget that the president before him was noted for saying that we need to fix the social security system as it is doomed for failure. Today all of the talking heads for the left are saying that the system is not in a crisis. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you add up all the money that you have paid into the system and then try to find out where that money is, you’ll start to cry. I know that I will never see any of it as well as the majority of my generation. The disturbing thing is that most of my generation doesn’t care enough about it. No, they are concerned with this new and exciting life and its struggles. Making a fuss about something in the government is very low on the list. The only generation that has put voting at the top of the list is the generation that sees the most benefits from the government. The senior citizens will fear any change that will affect them and rightfully so. The left knows this and that is why they will attempt to scare them in any way to get them to vote for their views.
I think it is time that my generation puts away the silly notion of who is wearing who’s dress at the Oscar’s and who won American Idol and start taking issue with our government. It is up to us to fix the failures of our government. It is up to us to stop the stupid spending and even more ludicrous taxing that our government has pressed upon us. I love my country. I love the way it works and I love the fact that it can be changed. So quit your bitching on MTV and get off your butt and do something about it.
Exposing Myself on a Regular Basis
“All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you. I never had a selfless thought since I was born. I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through: I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn. Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek, I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin: I talk of love -a scholar's parrot may talk Greek- But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin." - C S Lewis