That was the underling theme in the President’s speech. It is a beautiful thing. If you believe in a creator it seems reasonable that we were created equal. If that is true then there should be no oppression or oppressors - that should be our enemy. America is the example that most countries look to for liberty. Therefore it is fitting that America continues with the traditions and celebrations of that which made this country great. And for the record it isn’t that extravagant (see this) it is just another talking point for the opposition. The past four years have been tough but in hindsight, three countries have become free – Iraq, Afghanistan, and most recent Palestine. These three countries have been granted individual power to choose their leader. I am a fan of history and these are exciting times because they are very rare. This is a time which your grandchildren will ask you many questions about.
I also value freedom from my government and that is why I am a fan of the president. I have yet to see anything government run that has a positive monetary benefit. The idea that the government should take $1,000 out of my pocket and think that they can invest it better than me is blatantly stupid – I am referring to social security but you could use anything here, taxes, welfare, education etc. I’ll be honest; I see the opposition as oppressive rather than insightful. All I here is that I have no idea what I am doing and that I need them to help me (summery). They require more and more money to fund something that I could do for a tenth of their cost. Take the education system: all I hear is bitching from the top that they are under funded all the while they enjoy massive salaries and perks that most private CEO’s only dream of and the teachers are on the verge of welfare –oh but they do build very lavish buildings and call them schools – my bad.
Exposing Myself on a Regular Basis
“All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you. I never had a selfless thought since I was born. I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through: I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn. Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek, I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin: I talk of love -a scholar's parrot may talk Greek- But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin." - C S Lewis