Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Recently I have been caught up in the whole political thing that it damn near consumed me. I mostly respond to things on the news that are false and it pisses me off. I am a fan of truth. Nothing else, and in so realizing this fact, I think I should focus my energy on the one true thing.
After reading my wife’s blog and concentrating on it I realized how much I and my family have changed. I don’t know how long it has been since we have been to a “big church”. In my past, I thought that if I didn’t attend on a regular basis, I would stop concentrating on the father and become the “prodigal son” – bound for hell with money on his mind. If you have been reading my blogs (thanks by the way), I hope you could determine that that’s not the case at all. I have learned more about who the Father is and my relationship with him, than all my years of church combined and it is all due to the fact that I must think on my own. I don’t have a sermon crammed down my neck every Sunday. I’m not asked to help in the kid’s room. I’m not asked to stand, sit, kneel, or take the stupid stale cracker and juice that tastes like the carpet that I am standing on. I’m not asked to stand and somewhat sing a song with the vigor of an overweight man who just ate a super value meal at jack in the box and can’t keep from falling asleep. No none of this. I am now forced to think for myself. I now search for the Father’s will in every thing no longer leaning on someone’s opinion of what a few verses have to say to 1,000 people. If I serve my friends, eat the sacred meal in remembrance of what the master did for me, or praise him with every ounce of energy that is within me: it is because it is in my very being to do so. If I don’t, I swear I’ll blow up. It is natural or second nature; it’s the same as my heart beating. I now feel very uncomfortable at a big church setting because of the independence that I have gained. The big church setting is odd and at odds with the very nature of who Jesus is. I’m not trying to harp on the big church, I feel this way in all organized church settings weather it be mega or house churches. If the “congregation” looks to men to serve their needs, they will take their eyes off the master.