What is church anyway?
With the changes that are taking place at apex, and people getting frustrated, I feel that I should put in my $.02 (and since this is my journal and I don’t think that my thoughts are worth much - take it for what it is worth).
I have learned more form you guys in the past 4 years than I have ever before – this includes all my expensive schooling. You have shown me that an open mind is a source of true power. Asking difficult questions and exploring them should require no guilt. Seeing the passion of my King in the eyes of strangers who are willing to listen to me attempt to teach and never make a demeaning comment – now that’s power. Watching people gather for only the sake of worshiping the Master and not the preacher. Being able to throw bananas, eat cookie dough, draw on walls, and light more candles than a catholic church all to the glory of God and everybody seeing it that way. And to think that we haven’t changed.
Look, I know we are pursuing simple churches and a simpler life while basking in the love of the father, but what about people who are just starting to ask the same powerful questions that we did 3-4 years ago? What is available to them? I honestly don’t think that the house church is going to help – yet. It wouldn’t have helped me when I was so used to the whole big church thing. In fact, it would have repulsed me. If I walked into the house church that now meets at my house 4 years ago, I would have thrown the bible at them and take the drink that they offered me and leave dramatically.
I guess that, in my opinion, the freshmen need a place that is comfortable to them but not conformed to the way of the secular church system. So, if we are going to make a performance, we shouldn’t do it half ass. Let’s make the worship experience similar to the past and allow them and us to experiment with worship and new ideas. People will come for a show. People will pay for a show. It is then that we will tickle their minds with freedom. It is then that we can show them true power and love that only comes from the Father.
I could go on about church – specifically house churches, but I’m going to sit back a take a long lingering sip of shut the hell up:). Thanks for letting me speak.
Exposing Myself on a Regular Basis
“All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you. I never had a selfless thought since I was born. I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through: I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn. Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek, I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin: I talk of love -a scholar's parrot may talk Greek- But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin." - C S Lewis