Saturday, January 31, 2004

Kids deathly ill, and now our Chevy Suburban went AWOL. I think my wife put it best in describing the events of the week. So far, this year has been hell. Just when you think you got all of the slime off of the bottom of the barrel, you realize that you are not at the bottom yet. I hope our “luck” soon changes because Visa and MasterCard are only so generous. The strange thing in all of this is I am not upset. It is very bizarre. There is a peace that surrounds me and my wife that isn’t normal. I haven’t fully understood this yet, but I’m trying. The events of my life remind me of Job. I’m just waiting for the boils to arrive so that I can sit my white ass on a pile of ashes. I think that I am still basking in my son’s health – so much so that I still can’t comprehend the current events that are around me. Maybe it is that my treasure is no longer in things that can rust. Maybe I am in denial. The funny thing is my dad seems to be more upset than I am. Go figure.