Saturday, July 05, 2003

Recently I came across an interesting website I began to read some stories that were there (there is more than 100). I found one that had more references than a research paper for a master’s degree.

I don’t know about you, but I am rather confident in what I believe. My problem is that when some mormons confront me at the door I start shaking and politely turn them down. I’m weird I know but I despise confrontation about religion. I always picture me getting into a pissing match with someone and end up making what I believe in look stupid and only confirming to them that what they believe in is accurate. It is not what I believe that makes me this way but who I am. I feel that if I am going to be an effective farmer (a.k.a. seed thrower), there will be times that I will be confronted about religion. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I want to be able to spread some seed wherever I may roam. If the God I believe in is real, then I know that he loves those that even worship a different god. If this is true, then I can’t turn them away and be comfortable with it.

I am one who likes to see things for himself; therefore I am going to start my own research paper. I think it says in 1corith. 9 that although I am a slave to no one but Christ, I will make myself a slave to everyone so that I might see the world through their eyes (I don’t have my bible with me). Maybe if I can understand where they are coming from, I can have a more accurate target for my seed toss. Perhaps this will make me stronger in Christ.

If anybody is interested in joining me on this adventure, e-mail me